In 1785, French physician Charles Augustin of Coulomb enunciated the Law of Charges or Coulomb’s Law which sets out the basic principles of electrostatics and can be expressed as:

“The magnitude of each of the electric forces with which two points charges interact at rest is directly proportional to the product of the magnitude of the two charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating them and has the direction of the line joining them. The force is repulsive if the charges are of equal sign, and attractive if they are of opposite sign”.

How it works electrostatic spraying system?

Electrostatic spraying system (SPE, by its acronym in Spanish) has these principles for the application of crop protection treatments. With SPE system it is generated an electric charge through a generator connected to the tractor and this is distributed through diffusion boxes for all spray nozzles.

At the exit of the drop is when it is produced contact with this electric charge changing electron numbers modifying drop state from positive to negative. These drops, having a charge of the same sign, repel each other, so it keeps distance between them and no larger droplets are formed, at the same time they are attracted directly for the crop, because it is the nearest neutral body, getting more attraction and homogeneity in distribution of the treatment over crops.

What are the advantages over traditional spraying?

Reduction of loss by evaporation

As we have said before, drops are still thin, separated and with an electric charge so it causes that they acquire a huge speed toward crops. This causes the drop takes less time to reach the crop and is therefore exposed to weather conditions for a shorter period of time (wind and temperature) reducing drop evaporation.

Uniformity in application all drops are charged with the same charge

Remember that bodies with the same charge repel each other, so that the droplets do not conflict with each other on their way to the target, keeping them side by side and not on top of each other as in conventional applications. Keeping this dynamic when drops comes to crops.

Reduction of loss by drift

Besides, we can´t forget that charged drops have a very high attraction force because of crops that even after passing through a leaf or fruit can return and be deposited on the back of the target.

Reduction of loss by run-off

By falling on the crop uniformly and homogeneously, the treatment does not form large droplets that end up falling on the soil and creating more unprotected areas of the crop.

Reduction of the required flow rate

All these advantages that we have mentioned before have a direct effect over required flow rate for the treatment. Sometimes and depending on type of crops it is reduced over 50% related with traditional spraying system. This can be verified in the video below where we carry out tests on different crops, like for example in citrus crops treating with 230 lts/ha (SPE) when a traditional treatment would be at 600 lts/ha.

Other positive consequences of electrostatic spraying system

Among other advantages of SPE, we have an increasement of treatment efficiency applied thanks to the uniformity of the treatment over crops and this causes that protection be better and that there no exists areas where pests can attack. Reduction of required flow rate, loss by run-off, loss by evaporation and drift have a less environmental impact. Finally, by being able to use the contents of the vats more efficiently, working time is reduced, reducing loading trips and improving application times.

In which type of equipment could be applied?

Electrostatic spraying system could be installed in any Gaysa equipment irrespective of year of manufacture and model.

Mistblowers (Trailed and linkage)

Kit is adjustable to all our Mistral, Mistral Andalucía and Oasis models. It offers a reduction of up to 10 times the volume of conventional sprays and improves the total coverage of crops such as grapes, fruit trees, citrus trees, olive trees, almond trees and others. Furthermore, it causes a direct reduction in spraying operating costs with water-conscious use of water.

Boom sprayers (Trailed and linkage)

Speed, high temperatures and low flow only can be combined with SPE higher operational performance with reduced spray volume (on average by 50%), improving application coverage. Uniform disposition in the whole plant is assured with SPE use. It is a perfect system for broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower or any low crops spraying an in herbicide application. SPE kit is adapted perfectly to any model of our hydraulic booms.

Pneumatic sprayers (Trailed and linkage)

The kit used for air-duct directed machinery maintains the average 10-fold reduction in volume of conventional sprays and full coverage over the crop. The kit is adjustable to all our trailed and linkage sprayers. The system also fits articulated machines for multiple rows and the average volume per hectare for vines is 150 liters.

Cannons (Trailed and linkage)

When coupled with SPE technology, the cannon generates a cloud of highly charged droplets that are attracted directly to the target, the cloud expands and penetrates uniformly covering the entire sprayed swath. Flow volume varies with the crop and type of application, but coverage is retained superior to any other conventional spraying method with a 50% reduction in flow volume.

Tests of electrostatic spraying system SPE

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Librilla has a new disinfection equipment


On Thursday, Librilla Town Council thanked the company Gaysa for its new collaboration to improve the cleaning and disinfection work carried out in the municipality.

Last April, the company donated a spray truck to the City Council to facilitate disinfection tasks in public spaces that are difficult for other vehicles to access.

This week, explains the Consistory, the company has collaborated in the adaptation of a 400-litre tank that had been donated by a resident of the municipality, a regular collaborator in the disinfection tasks. But not only that, Gaysa has also replaced all the parts that were in poor condition.

Furthermore, it has been installed a new motor-boom equipment as well as fine-tuning.

“All this has been made freely with the intention of following collaborating with the municipality of Librilla in the fight against Covid-19” emphasizes the City Council.

This new equipment, adapted to a municipal vehicle, will allow, explains the Consistory, “increases and improves the disinfections that are being carried out daily in schools, high schools, sports centers, parks and gardens, in addition to those carried out on all the streets of the municipality on Mondays and Thursdays with the tractors, have considerably improved”.

The Town Council would like to thank the disinterested collaboration of the company Gaysa as well as the volunteers who every week participate in the disinfection tasks “such as the tractor drivers and their companies: Paco El Luiso, Gabriel Palmeras (Toñifruit), José Ángel Carrasco and José Galián (Pichi), Civil Protection volunteers.

Original view in web of newspaper 7 días Alhama, link:


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